Hello Alan
We were really sad that it was so much raining in Troyes and that we couldn’t hear your great music from your new CD.
We started to translate the text from your songs and one of our favourite songs is « Te ».
We think about to come to Chalon at the 01.09.2006.
This year is Gourin with the 50 th birthday too. Do you would like to play there? It would be phantastic to the 50th Birthday to see you there, very historic and the stage and is also good by rain. 😉
With love, kenavo
Heike ha Hans
thanks very much;
there were discussions for last year in Gourin which could not achieve; perhaps I will go to hear and see only, not sure I will be free;
Chalon is no more on the 010906 but on the 290806; kenavo e Chalon, perhaps;
a precision:
Chalons-en -Champagne is not more on the 29th than the 1st, it is on the 30th of August; Sorry again; the details are now back on my site.