On connaît la description de l’album et un extrait, mais serait-il possible Alan de connaître les noms des musiciens de l’album en avant-première ? Merci d’avance
d’abord mes musiciens de scène actuels:
Gaetan Grandjean, Loumi Seveno, Marcus Camus, Nicolas Méheust,
et aussi
Solenn Lefeuvre et Dom Duff (chant),
et l’Ensemble choral du Bout du Monde
Hé bien merci beaucoup Alan, je ne connaissais pas les noms de ces musiciens (de toute façon après 1985 je m’y retrouve plus beaucoup à leur propos, je vais alors tacher de les retenir.
Loumi rocks, he’s an amazing violinist/fiddle player and plays the guitar too, if I’m not mistaken.
As a (very amateur!) violinist, Breton fiddle interests me, especially since I have read that the fiddle is not « indigeneous » to Breton music and arrived later on the scene…
Le violon breton m’interesse (je jeu le violon, mais bien sur pas comme Loumi!) surtout parce que j’ai lu que le violon n’est pas dans la musique breton originale et c’est arrivee plus tard sur la scene…
Software engineering is the study and an application of engineering to the design, development, and maintenance of software. Typical formal definitions of software engineering are: « the application of a systematic, disciplined
Folk violin was still part of the rather declining borders traditional music of Brittany, but had mainly disappeared of Breton music (in my knowledge) before my reintroduction in my first album (1970) and, to a bigger extent, with the coming of René Werneer in my backing band (fall 1971). Except the early attempt (in a rather classic style) of Pierre-Yves Moign with » Son-ha-koroll »).
thinking about it, I must correct it a lttle.
Violin was and is still alive in the Easter half of Brittany (close to « French France »). But far not as much as before 1940. Not though in Breton Celtic tradition (West).