Possiblities of a consert in Iceland ?
Komdu saell og blessadur Alan. I did not succeed in gaining suport from the Alliance Francaise and others for the possiblity of having you in Iceland to hold a consert ( I wrote to you some time ago bout this possibility) but I would like it very much. I hope you do not think I am crazy it is only that I have your music in a very high esteem.
I am shure more Icelanders would agree and enjoy the taste of your music if only they would get the chance to. My question to you is in this way: What would you require to be able to hold a consert in my country, meaning what kind of place and how many people and so one.
If you could tell me I would be very gratefull and try to make it happen. I understand you are a buisy man and I understand if you think this is rustique of me but when there is a will everything is possible. I speak some french and can understand it quite well but I can not write it so my apologies for that.
All the best from Iceland.
It is very kind from you to try to help me touring in Iceland; I will see what’s happening first for the distribution of my albums there; and if a festival or another venue is interested, they can easily contact my agent (a very nice man) (antoine@futur-acoustic.fr);
Thanks again,
Thank you very much Alan for the adress of your agent, I will contact him in september. I hope a tour in my country will be a reality. Iceland today does not know your work much but if just one of us like me can be struck it means that our nordic icy souls can be melted. I even bought a John Walsh shuttle pipe one year ago. Much to my friends and neighbours grief but I am improving.
Kenavo and merci beaucoup.