Help with lyrics……



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Help with lyrics…An Try Marrak

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I am in love with this song, ever since I first heard Alan’s version in the early ’80’s. I’m a professional musician, playing primarily alto flute, shakuhachi, and Native flutes. <> But I also play Celtic harp in an improvisational style. I would love to find the lyrics for An Try Marrak (and pronunciations…as you can tell, I speak English Wink)

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!

Best regards,

(edited the title to be correct!) Laughing


Posté : 09/11/2007 7:09 pm


Membre Moderator Registered

Hello to you,
I will find them; but I think that the lyrics of AN TRY MARRAK ( not « marrok ») are inside the album (vynil at least ) « Journée à la maison » -1978-, or has it disappeared from the Cd (I will look at it)?
best wishes,


Posté : 11/11/2007 7:20 pm


Thank you…I would appreciate it very much! I originally had the cassette (unfortunately, no lyrics – it may have been the « book club edition ») and now I have the downloads, so no lyrics there either.
And I realized my misspelling after I posted this…Marrak! Sorry Rolling Eyes

and thank you for taking the time to answer!



Posté : 11/11/2007 10:26 pm


Membre Moderator Registered

I’ll try to,


Posté : 29/11/2007 5:46 pm


I’m not sure about the LP, but in the CD booklet, it includes a translation of the lyrics, but not the actual lyrics themselves, so for your purposes that wouldn’t be very helpful, I don’t think.  However, if you’re interested in seeing the translation, here it is:

« The Three Knights »

Three knights came from the west
And spied a damsel
And her lilacs, and her lily
And her rose so red

The first knight, all dressed in white
Came to her as a lover
The second knight, all dressed in green
Offered himself as her dear companion
The third knight, all dressed in red
Wanted to take her precious virginity

« Have you asked my father
And my good brother Jean? »
« I have asked your father
But not good Jean »

While riding along the road
They met the damsel’s brother
She ran to embrace her dear brother
But he stabbed her with his dagger
« Come forward, come forward, » cried the servant
« Your woman has ben cruelly wounded »

« Oh, let me go to that field
To lie myself down and spill my blood
Let me go to those hills
So I can repeat my will »

« And what will you give your father? »
« My black horse, my good steed »

« And what will you give your mother? »
« My wedding gown so pure
But she must wash it and clean it
The blood of my heart is spread through the linen’s threads »

« To my little sister Anne, my gentle little sister
My ring of gold and my pretty bracelet »

« To my brother Jean, my bad brother
I give a rope and a gallows to hang him from »

« To my brother’s wife, in true compassion
Widow’s weeds and a long life »


Posté : 22/05/2008 8:27 pm


I realize that it’s long after the fact. But, I wish to thank the kind Guest who posted these lyrics in English.

I have also found this piece to be a particular favorite; achingly beautiful. I also have been haunted by it for many years.

I think it’s the gentle, dolorant, antiquity, expressed by the delicate harp work. Then, there are the lovely vocal harmonies juxtaposed against the pensive vocal solo.

It’s like listening to an ancient tapestry, if that makes any sense.

Merci mille fois! K.


Posté : 19/08/2009 9:36 pm


Membre Moderator Registered

By the way, we should re-publish this CD soon. But I will try to write down the lyrics here as soon I can.


Posté : 26/08/2009 5:54 pm


« alan »« alan »

By the way, we should re-publish this CD soon. But I will try to write down the lyrics here as soon I can.

Thank you! That is very good news. I no longer have access to a copy, and it’s making me a little crazy. 🙂

A friend got me addicted to your productions, through that album, a long time ago.

The album was the first of yours, that  I  purchased. It was on cassette. I wore it out in a week

I can’t keepthe CD in the house, either– friends run off with it. 🙂


BTW– I sent a YouTube clip of one of your pieces, and one of Tri Yanns’ to a Palentinian friend of mine. 

He is enchanted. 🙂 Now he is very curious re: Breton musics. 🙂


Posté : 28/08/2009 1:52 am


J’adore cette chanson… Peut-être ma préférée du superbe Journée à la maison, un enchaînement parfait avec « Tal an tan » (« face à l’âtre »),présence d’un violoncelle et d’un doux accordéon… Vivement que cet album soit remasterisé. Et merci beaucoup pour la traduction. Smile


Posté : 15/09/2009 8:45 pm


Moi aussi je serai aux anges s’il y avait moyen d’avoir les paroles originales bretonnes! C’est mon morceau préféré d’Alan et je meurs d’envie de pouvoir la chanter un jour!
Mille mercis!


Posté : 04/06/2012 5:35 am


Membre Moderator Registered

si possible on vous les communiquera (texte pas en Breton, mais en Cornique, la plus proche cousine) en message privé, car le texte est bien sur la pochette de l’album, qui a d’ailleurs été remasterisé plusieurs fois, en dernier pour la maison Membran (qui distribue sur touite l’Europe moins l’hexagone).


Posté : 04/06/2012 6:52 pm


The lyrics are on the back cover of my old lp – I`ll do a scan this weekend and send you a mail

Y teth try marrak a`n howlsedhas,
Hag y awhylas un arlodhes …


Posté : 07/06/2012 10:00 pm


I`m not sure my first test sending a pm with a pdf works , so I try typing the lyrics (please ignore typing mistakes, that`t not my language and so I don`t see that while typing/reading again)

An Try Marrak

Y teht marrak a`n howlsedhas
Hag y a whylas un arlodhes

ha dla ley, dha lyly – o
hag an rosen a rudhys – o

An kensa marrak yn dyllas gweyn
A dheth yn tanter er hyn fyn

An nessa marrak yn dyllas gwer
A dheth rak bos hy howeth ker

An tressa marrak yn dyllas gwer
A dheath rak canfos hy gwerghsys druth

« A wruss`ta govyn orth ow thas
Hag orth ow mam a ry cumyas?

Hag orth ow broder Jowan da
Ha`m whoryk Annan maganta? »

« My re wovynnas orth da dha das
kefrys ha`th mam y ry cumyas

Orth whoryk Anna magata
Mes ny wruk govyn orth Jowan da »

Hag y y`n forth ow morogeth
Erbyn hy broder y a dheth

Hy eth dhe vaya dh`y broder ker
Hag ef a a`s gwanas a y dhagyer

« Yn rak, yn rak! » yn meth an gwas
« dha wrek re gafas goly ahàs! »

« Ogh, gas dhym mones y`n pras enos
may hallf powes ha dyllo gos!

Ogh, gas dhym moes y`n breow-na:
Ow scryfa-kammyn my a wra »

« Ha pandra vyntra ry dhe `th tas? »
« Ow margh morel, ow steda mas »

« Ha pandra vynta ry dhe `th mam? »
« Ow crys-demedhyans a ban dynam

Mes res yu dhedhy y wolghy glan:
Ma gos ow holon all y`n plan

Dhe whoryk Anna, ow whoryk whek
Ow besow owr ha modrewy dek

Dhe vroder Jowan, ow broder dok
Y rof-vy lovan, ha pren d`hy grok

Dhe wrek ow broder, yn trueth gwyr
Hy dyllas-gwedhow, ha bewnas hyr »


Posté : 09/06/2012 7:38 pm


Thank you, RoryFelt! I just saw this, and I’m so grateful to have the original lyrics Smile


Posté : 26/09/2014 5:13 pm


Membre Moderator Registered

Just quickly:.I notice Y teth in place of Y teht. Meaning « come » as Breton  » E teuas ».


Posté : 28/09/2014 5:27 am

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