Galice et Asturies
Noz vat d’an holl
Beaucoup de gens, chez les bretons comme ailleurs, ne considèrent pas (ou ont du mal à considérer) la Galice et les Asturies comme des territoires celtes. Il est vrai que lorsque l’on entend parler de « pays celtes » ou de « nations celtes », ces deux contrées sont rarement inclues…
De là à dire qu’il y a là un réel conflit d’opinions, je pense qu’il y a de la marge. Mais au final, pourquoi ce désaccord ?
c’est uniquement une histoire de langue.
voila la raison evoquée par la celtic league
Why isn’t Galicia listed by the League as the seventh Celtic nation?
In the mid 1980’s the League decided on a linguistic criterion for national membership of the League, based on a definition of what it is to be ‘Celtic’.
This definition argues that an area is Celtic if a Celtic language was spoken as a historical community language, within living memory. This definition was and still is in line with the accepted position of Celtic scholars and the pan Celtic movement. This means that Galicia cannot have a national branch of the League, because the modern historic language of Galicia is Galego – a Romance language – and has been for many centuries.
An international branch of the League can of course be set up in Galicia, in line with the rules set out in the Constituion of the League.
là aussi j’en parle ici ou là, notamment dans mon livre.
La Celtie est à géographie ou degrés variables, du plus heavy au plus light .
1/ Le plus heavy: quand il y a quelques années on trouvait des personnes ne parlant que Celtique.
2/ Le degré en dessous: un celtophone bilingue.
3/ En dessous, quelqu’un qui comprend au moins un peu.
4/ En dessous: un habitant non celtophone d’un pays où on peut parler celtique.
5/ En dessous, un pays se revendiquant celte par plusieurs éléments d’histoire et de culture. Galice, Asturies, Cantabria, Cumbria, Devon, et, peut-être Auvergne, Limousin, Bohème, etc. sont au niveau 5.
6/ En dessous: une partie importante de l’Europe, d’Amérique et d’Océanie, où tous ont la civilisation celtique en héritage partiel.
7/ On peut ajouter ensuite toutes les personnes attirées par cette culture, qu’elles soient japonaises ou paraguayennes.
Je pense que le « degré 5 » peut-être assimilable au degré 4. C’est dire qu’on peut les accepter dans un certain nombre d’instances (Festival interceltique, par ex.), comme on accepte bien les habitants des régions non-celtophones de longue date.
Je dois ajouter que quelqu’un du « degré 7 » qui a envie de s’intégrer, d’une manière ou d’une autre, à la celtitude, les portes lui sont, bien sûr, ouvertes. Mais il y a aussi des gens qui s’y intéressent bien, tout en mêlant ça à toutes sortes d’autres centres d’intérêt.
Il ne faut pas voir comme une injustice que certaines instances comme la Celtic League s’en tiennent aux pays où il est possible d’utiliser une langue celtique. Pour des raisons vitales évidentes. Il n’y a rien de choquant à être objectif.
Les autres pays ou régions peuvent être membres extérieurs, une « zone d’influence ».
Il faut quand même que ceux-ci montrent un vrai interêt pour la culture celtique, y comprise linguistique (universités, présence médiatique de chanteurs celtophones, etc.).
un nouveau site a la base conçut pour un exposé, il est des tiné a tous cux qui veulent aprendre un peu plus sur les asturies si en espagnol, avec une possibilité de traduction en haut des pages. vous avez 3 jeux educatifs et la meteo du monde entier en live. bonne visite sur http://asturias.e-monsite.com
Cette année, je ne reviens pas en Asturies, mais, c’est probable, à côté, en Cantabrie (juillet prochain).
Well, the cantabrii were not really weltic, they are more related to the basque-speaking peoples But what about the celtic element of Galicia=?, well, we are descendants of ancient gallaecians (celtic peoples with a language related to irish one) but also from Romans and Suevii, a germanic tribe who ruled Galicia during the end of the Roman Empire, unifiying the celtic tribes, and making Galicia a independent kingdom, but there is an important substrate of pre-roman origin. We can look it on the architectureon villages like O Cebreiro (famous for it’s pre-roman round houses), or in the galician brothers of the breton calvaries, Os Cucreiros, also in the medieval history of the Regnum Gallaecia, because like Armorica, the britons came here escaping from the germanic barbarians who invaded the romanised territory of Britania, of course in a minor number compared with Britanny, but enough to create it’s own religious and territory administration, the Bispado de Bretoña, led by the bishop Maeloc, that was the only example of celtic cristianity out from the Bitish Isles and Britanny, but making a sustancial difference with Britanny, these settlers lost the language, bacause they where not enough to compete with the latin, official language adopted by the suevii, language who gradually replaced the celtic gallaecian language.
But we are not celts, we are galicians, and as galicians we have ties with the celtic nations due to our history and cultural heritage, but we have also ties with the Lusophone world, due to our language (the core of our identity) the galician, or galego. So, we are not celts, but being a galician you have a celtic heritage.
Greetings from the Val de Lemos, in Galiza, ancient land of the lemavi (a celtic tribe).
As I said in my contribution, Asturian and Galician are Celts in a « low level ». And if you can be the leaders of the European peoples giving back to the Celtic branche of civilization the place which is due to it, no reason to refuse it. I think that, too often, people are more in a sensitive and psychological reaction than an actual objective thinking, specially in the Celtic case.
Thanks for you response, I strongly believe that our celtic heritage needs to be restored as part of our national and culture restoration process, doesn’t matter if we are not fully celtic, meaning this to speak a celtic language, it’s part of our heritage, that’s all, and could help to places like England to restore this common historic episode, which could be a bridge to built an atlantic shore, just like mediterraneans do it, for example, Catalonia will be the next host for the mediterranean olympic games. Our celtic past should play the same place that greco-roman heritage plays in the mediterranean side.
Alan Stivell has a very interesting point of view, he made a dedication to Emilio Cao (galician harpist), for his first work in late 70’s, when Alan visited us and made some concerts, was during the first post-francoist years, previous to the restoration of our devolved government, destroyed due to the coupe de etat. I will try to get it, but as I remember, he said that Britanny and Galicia lies just in the border of the celtic and latin world, but in different degrees, and as a breton, he was happy to see how galicians work trying to recover their celtic heritage, and how galicians value this element of their culture, an element that makes them special and help to fight the cultural oppression from Spain (he made that statement just few years after the end of the dictatorship, that’s the reason why sounds so ‘combative’).
BTW, I finnally decided to join this forum, Alan Stivell is one of my 5 favourites artists/bands. Alan Stivell é do melhor!
I’ve got it:
« Pedíronme que fixera a presentación deste disco, cousa que acetéis considerándo-o un grande honor, que resulta meirande si se ten en conta que o meu coñecimento da música galega é ainda pequeno dabondo.
Con todo, teño pra min que este xesto é coma unha ponte galgando por riba do Atlántico, expresión dos vencellos que xuntan a Galicia e Bretaña, dous países que se atopan, aínda que en distinto degrau, na encrucillada das culturas latina e céltiga.
Non quero facer colonialismo cultural ao afirmar que os celtas de Bretaña, Irlanda e outras terras, logo de ter sido afogados até a agonía polos grandes Estados opresores (Francia, Inglaterra…) sentímonos satisfeitos ao ver aos galegos revalorizar a súa parte de herdanza céltiga común pra mellor defender súa personalidade nacional frente a España. Penso que o elemento céltigo é o factor esencial que lles dá tanto ao pobo como ao país galego o seu carácter distintivo.
Por outra banda, a percura das raigames céltigas pode, con seguridade, axudar a reforzar a loita contra da civilización antihumana, estatalizante, arredada da natureza que é o legado de Roma; compre inspirarse no pensamento europeo prerromano que parellamente ao pensamento oriental, non pode concebir a felicidade si non é na Armonía »
I will ask to a friend to translate this to french, because i have also problems to understand it (few words, not all the whole text), this is not normative galician, nor galician-portuguese, this dedication was made before the creation of our royal language academy and the official grammar agreement. By the way, the user and administrator « alan », is just a fan, or the real great bard, Alan Stivell?.
Yes, of course, I am Alan Stivell.
il est étonnant (did I say it right?)!, just amazing, I grew up listening to Alan Stivell and Clannad, because my mother is a fan too. Sir, I have no words to describe how much important is your music to me.
By the way, I want to share with the forum, this old show (1999) from the galician tv, in galician, of course, so I think nobody can understand this, but it doesn’t matter, I only want to say what profesor André Pena Granha said, and he said something interesting; by the end of the 90’s, the celtic studies in Galiza were nothing but taboo, pseudoscience, but thanks to a congress in Brest in 1997, the Celtic studies in Galicia returned to life, being once again somtheing In, not out, having a new condition of historic science, and thanks to our breton friends. Breizh Atao!:
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Saúdos amigos bretóns.
Carlos Sebastián Armesto Teixeiro.