Ask of translation of Alan's song An hani a garan
Hello! I’m from Russia and interesting in songs of Alan Stivell but can’t understand texts of his songs in breton. Can anybody translate « An hani a garan » into English or let me know where translations can be found…
Thank you in advance!
An hani a garan, gwechall bihan er gêr
Pa oamp tostik an eil, an eil ouzh egile..
Ma ch’alon ne gare, ne gare nemet unan,
Pa oan bihan er gêr an hini a garan.
An hani a garan, gwezharall ma ch’are,
Kanañ a rae pa ganen, pa ouelen e ouele,
Hon div galon ne raent, ne raent nemed unan,
Pa oan bihan er gêr an hini a garan.
An hani a garan, bremañ, he deus ma laosket
Aet eo da broioù pell, d’ur vro n’anavezan ket
Aet eo d’ar broioù pell, da c’hounit he bara
Kollet, kollet eo din an hini a garan.
D’an hani a garan, ne ran nemet hirvoudiñ
Penaos, ken pell diouti, e ch’ellin-me beviñ ?
Met petra a lavaran-me ? Turlebaniñ a ran
Dre hir soñjal atav en hini a garan.
D’an hani a garan, mar kollan-me ma fenn,
Evnedigoù ar c’hoad, kanit c’hwi ho kanenn
Evned, kanit er c’hoad kanit kenti-kentañ
D’an hani a garan, ne ran nemet huanadiñ
Huanadiñ noz ha deiz, deiz ha noz hirvoudiñ
Rak-se em eus savet ha rak-se e kanan
Kanennig ma c’halon d’an hini a garan.
what is your use of that translation?
I was informed that an artist in Russia is professionnally using some songs without any indication of the source. I don’t say that you are that artist, but some people get other suspicious.
My friend is musician (he lives in St-.Petersburg, his name is Vladimir Uhno) but he has not ever played Alan’s songs before; he plays guitar, he is author of songs in Russian but loves Alan’s songs for a long time and takes great creative inspiration from these fantastic musical and energetic flow… currently he is preparing musical program containing world spiritual songs of different historical periods including ethno-music with some translations into Russian. He is not going to hide real authorship of any song but would like to familiarize Russian public with musical masterpieces of other countries, and without any business purposes. He promises to indicate name of ALAN STIVELL everywhere and always when performing his program. After preparing of program we can send audio-files to you for your approval.
So we hope for you kind answer and help and many thanks again for your music…