Paroles de « Brittan…



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Paroles de "Brittany‘s – Ar Bleizi Mor"


Demat Alan,

I‘m a big fan. I love „la Bretagne“ and it‘s culture since I was a child, because my family and I spent our annual holiday near to Saint-Brieuc (Sant-Brieg). I started listening to your fantastic music about 10 years ago and it instantly gives me the flair and feeling of the beautiful landscapes, the impressive culture and my personal memories. It makes me dream and reminds me of the wonderful time I spent in Brittany. I associate your music with the most beautiful and happiest memories of my life.

I love almost all your songs. Your Celtic harp combined with the violin and acoustic guitar sounds absolutely fantastic.
One of my favorite songs (besides Tri Martolod, Brian Boru, Pop Plinn, Suite Sudarmoricaine, etc) is Brittany‘s – Ar Bleizi Mor.
I have tried to translate the lyrics of this wonderful song. The French and English parts were no problem, but I had some problems with the translation of the Breton and Irish parts. Could you or anybody else please give me a short translation of the Breton and Irish lyrics?

« Trugarez vraz » for your great work. It means a lot to me.
I am looking forward to your next album  Smile .


Posté : 24/09/2013 1:46 pm


I send you the translation in a private message


Posté : 25/09/2013 12:34 am


Trugarez vras, Stéphan! 🙂

Les paroles sont super.


Posté : 25/09/2013 12:48 am