GABRIEL YACOUB, quelqu’un qui a compté aussi dans ma vie musicale vient de couper le son et s’est envolé vers un monde peut-être meilleur. Surtout si j’en crois son pessimisme notoire.
72 ans: partir si tôt! Je garde le souvenir de notre pot ensemble après nos concerts aux Chants de marins de Paimpol, après qu’il m’ait fait la surprise de venir chanter sur mon dernier titre.
GABRIEL YACOUB, unan hag a oa pouezus ivez em buhez soner en deus lazhet ar son ha nijet kuit d’ur bed gwelloc’h marteze. Dreist-holl ma kredan e washaerezh vrudet.
72 vloaz : mont kuit ken abred ! Mirout a ran eñvor hon evaj asambles goude hor sonadegoù e Kan ar Mor Pempoull, goude m’en doa souezhet ac’hanon o tont da ganañ war ma c’hanaouenn ziwezhañ.
Tristidigezh !
GABRIEL YACOUB, someone who was also important in my musical life, has just turned off the sound and flown away to a perhaps better world. Especially if I believe his notorious pessimism.
72 years old: leaving so soon! I keep the memory of our drink together after our concerts at the Chants de marins of Pempoull, after he surprised me by coming to sing on my last song.